o mês de agosto estava a começar e previa-se bastante ocupado, ainda que tivesse conseguido uns dias de férias ali no final. mas antes de poder saborear uns dias de sol havia ainda muito trabalho pela frente! um desses dias de trabalho incluía uma visita a esta família que celebrava o primeiro aniversário do seu bebé. absolutamente felizes como sempre, voltaram a convidar familiares e amigos mais próximos, e celebrar o melhor ano das suas vidas.
[a história continua no sítio do costume…]
the month of august was just getting started and i was expecting such a busy month, even if this was the month in which i was finally going to enjoy a few days off, in a very miraculous way. but before enjoying those days i had so much work ahead of me! and one of those days of work included a visit to this lovely family, who was celebrating their first baby’s birthday. absolutely happy as always, they invited their close family and friends once again, to celebrate the best year of their lives.
[the story continues on the usual place…]
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